Hiking - Pyramid Mountain Tripod Rock (5.4 miles) New Jersey

hike pyramid mountain tripod rock
Whale Head rock, Pyramid Mountain, NJ
Parking area, Pyramid Mountain, NJ
Bear rock, Pyramid Mountain, NJ
Taylortown Reservoir, Pyramid Mountain, NJ
Pyramid Mountain, NJ

Region: New Jersey
Landmark: Pyramid Mountain
Distance (mile): 5.40
Elevation (feet): 1,706
Difficulty: Moderate
Activities: Hiking Visitor Center
Features: Forest Lake
Date: 05/10/2014

About Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area

Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area is an area of 1,544.76 acres which offers rugged trails, fields, forests, rock outcroppings, and wetlands. The highest point in the park is 934 feet with a magnificent view of the New York City skyline.

Pyramid Mountain trails are open daily Sunrise to Sunset throughout the year.
The Visitors Center is open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. throughout the year.

Pyramid Mountain trail map

Tripod Rock and Bear Rock

Tripod Rock is a 180-ton boulder balanced on three smaller boulders deposited by the Wisconsin Glacier over 18,000 years ago. It is roughly 6 metres long, 3 metres wide, and 2.5 metres high.

Bear Rock, located nearby, is one of New Jersey’s largest glacial erratic.