物种 / Species | 高度(米) / Height (meters) | 树名 / Tree Name | 类别 / Class | 位置 / Location | 大洲 / Continent |
海岸红杉 / Coast Redwood | 116.07 | 超级巨人 / Hyperion | 针叶树 / Conifer | 美国加利福尼亚州红杉国家公园 / Redwood National Park, California, United States | 西北美洲 / Western North America |
喜马拉雅柏木 / Himalayan Cypress | 102.3 | 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷 / Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon | 针叶树 / Conifer | 中国西藏自治区波密县 / Bomê County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China | 东亚 / East Asia |
黄梅兰 / Yellow Meranti | 100.8 | 门塔拉 / Menara | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 马来西亚沙巴多努姆谷保护区(婆罗洲岛) / Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo island) | 东南亚 / Southeast Asia |
山灰树 / Mountain Ash | 100.5 | 百年巨人 / Centurion | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州阿尔维山谷 / Arve Valley, Tasmania, Australia | 东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia |
西卡云杉 / Sitka Spruce | 100.2 | 帕里克里克红杉州立公园 / Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United States | 针叶树 / Conifer | 美国加利福尼亚州 / Western North America | |
道格拉斯冷杉 / Coast Douglas-fir | 99.7 | 多纳尔冷杉 / Doerner Fir | 针叶树 / Conifer | 美国俄勒冈州库斯县布鲁米特溪 / Brummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United States | 西北美洲 / Western North America |
巨杉 / Giant Sequoia | 96.3 | 巨杉国家森林 / Sequoia National Forest, California, United States | 针叶树 / Conifer | 美国加利福尼亚州 / Western North America | |
蓝桉 / Southern Blue Gum | 90.7 | 尼米纳(或母女) / Neeminah (Loggerale Meena, or Mother and Daughter) | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚 / Tasmania | 东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia |
贵冷杉 / Noble Fir | 89.9 | 高特沼泽研究自然区 / Goat Marsh Research Natural Area, Washington, United States | 针叶树 / Conifer | 美国华盛顿州 / Western North America | |
柳叶桉 / Manna Gum | 89.0 | 白骑士 / White Knight | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚埃弗克里奇森林保护区 / Evercreech Forest Reserve, Tasmania | 东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia |
巴西木 / Dinizia Excelsa | 88.5 | 靠近巴西阿马帕和帕拉两州边界 / Near the boundary of Amapa and Para states, Brazil | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 中东南美洲 / Central-Northeastern South America | |
棕顶弯曲桉 / Brown Top Stringbark | 88.5 | 皮卡贝拉公主 / Princess Picabella | 开花植物 / Flowering plant | 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚 / Tasmania | 东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia |
These remarkable trees thrive in various climates, from the misty coastal redwood forests of North America to the rugged mountainous regions of Tibet and the lush rainforests of Borneo.
Species | Height (meters) | Tree Name | Class | Location | Continent |
Coast Redwood | 116.07 | Hyperion | Conifer | Redwood National Park, California, United States | Western North America 12 |
Himalayan Cypress | 102.3 | Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Bomê County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China | East Asia 3 | ||
Yellow Meranti | 100.8 | Menara | Flowering plant | Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo island) | Southeast Asia |
Mountain Ash | 100.5 | Centurion | Flowering plant | Arve Valley, Tasmania, Australia | Southeastern Australia |
Sitka Spruce | 100.2 | Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United States | Conifer | Western North America | |
Coast Douglas-fir | 99.7 | Doerner Fir | Conifer | Brummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United States | Western North America |
Giant Sequoia | 96.3 | Sequoia National Forest, California, United States | Conifer | Western North America | |
Southern Blue Gum | 90.7 | Neeminah (Loggerale Meena, or Mother and Daughter) | Flowering plant | Tasmania | Southeastern Australia |
Noble Fir | 89.9 | Goat Marsh Research Natural Area, Washington, United States | Conifer | Western North America | |
Manna Gum | 89.0 | White Knight | Flowering plant | Evercreech Forest Reserve, Tasmania | Southeastern Australia |
Dinizia Excelsa | 88.5 | Near the boundary of Amapa and Para states, Brazil | Flowering plant | Central-Northeastern South America | |
Brown Top Stringbark | 88.5 | Princess Picabella | Flowering plant | Tasmania | Southeastern Australia |